HS League Info // PlayVS
Esports Fall League 2024 - Grades 9-12
Use this form to signup for the BISD Esports team on your campus that will compete in the PlayVS Texas Spring league.
Enrollment Opens: 3/4/2024
Enrollment Closes: 9/20/2024 at 11:59 PM local league time
Preseason: Weeks of 9/9/2024 & 9/16/2024
Regular Season: Weeks of 9/23/2024 - 11/11/2024
Playoffs: Weeks of 11/18/2024 - 12/6/2024
Fall Championships: Weeks of 12/9/2024 & 12/16/2024
Games will be played after school on the days below (at school and/or at home). All matches will start at 4:30pm.
Mondays: Practice Day!
The Global Practice Day Scrimmage Queue is open for all titles on Mondays from 12-7 PM PST. Coaches and players will receive in-app notifications. Coaches will be able to join the practice queue.
Tuesdays: Game Day! League of Legends, Splatoon™ 3
Wednesdays: Game Day! Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, NBA 2K
Thursdays: Game Day! Rocket League, Madden NFL, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, Hearthstone
It is important that all players are present for league games they are scheduled to participate in.